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Nic­ki Mi­naj apologises for husband’s actions in Trinidad

(Trinidad Guardian) Trinidad-born US-based rap­per Nic­ki Mi­naj may have had a bit of a spoil­er for her first ever Car­ni­val ex­pe­ri­ence on Car­ni­val Tues­day af­ter a video went vi­ral on so­cial me­dia show­ing her hus­band, Ken­neth Pet­ty, push­ing away the hand of Road March 2020 king Neil “Iw­er” George dur­ing his per­for­mance on a Tribe mu­sic truck.
The out­rage of T&T cit­i­zens im­me­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing com­ing down on Pet­ty in the form of memes and crit­i­cal state­ments.
The video shows George greet­ing Mi­naj on a Tribe mu­sic truck but when he tried to raise her hand to have her jump up with him, Pet­ty quick­ly shoved George’s hand away with his el­bow.

Some of the memes called for Pet­ty to apol­o­gise to George.
Mi­naj took to her In­sta­gram page on Ash Wednes­day, post­ing a video of her and Pet­ty ex­press­ing her love for him.
Mi­naj al­so apol­o­gised say­ing that her hus­band does not un­der­stand T&T’s cul­ture and is al­ways on “se­cu­ri­ty mode.”
George, in his re­sponse on so­cial me­dia, said he be­lieved that her hus­band did not know who he was as he was wear­ing a Tribe Mu­sic t-shirt.
In a state­ment is­sued on so­cial me­dia, George said: “…so he may have thought I was part of the sound sys­tem group. Nic­ki’s hus­band is not fa­mil­iar with Tri­ni cul­ture so he did what any hus­band would do and that is go in­to pro­tec­tion mode.”
George said he didn’t stress on his ac­tions.
“Nic­ki is our queen and that’s her hus­band we love and re­spect them. Alyuh pat down and let them en­joy the rest of their stay,” George said.


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