Global Statistics

New Canadian Coronavirus case travelled from Trinidad & Tobago

Cana­di­an au­thor­i­ties say one of sev­en new cas­es of the coro­n­avirus COVID-19 in the Al­ber­ta province, had trav­elled from Trinidad and To­ba­go.
The province’s chief med­ical of­fi­cer, Dr Deena Hin­shaw said the sev­en peo­ple who have most re­cent­ly test­ed pos­i­tive for the ill­ness, were con­firmed trav­el-re­lat­ed cas­es who are now re­cov­er­ing in iso­la­tion at home with sup­port from pub­lic health of­fi­cials.
The trav­ellers had re­turned from vis­it­ing a range of coun­tries, in­clud­ing France, the Nether­lands, Egypt, Iran, Tai­wan, Ger­many, Malaysia, Trinidad and To­ba­go, Pana­ma, the Philip­pines and the Unit­ed States. Sev­er­al of the pa­tients vis­it­ed more than one coun­try. One in­di­vid­ual was on the MS Brae­mar cruise ship.
“It is too ear­ly to know where each per­son con­tract­ed the virus,” said Hin­shaw.
Three of the new cas­es are from the Ed­mon­ton zone. They in­clude a man in his 70s and a woman in her 60s who had trav­elled to­geth­er and a woman in her 30s who had al­so re­cent­ly trav­elled out­side of Cana­da.
The oth­er four new cas­es are from the Cal­gary area. They in­volve a man in his 50s, two women in their 30s and a woman in her 40s.
Dr Hin­shaw did not give fur­ther de­tails on the iden­ti­ties of the sev­en new cas­es or their trav­el itin­er­aries.
She al­so did not state how re­cent they had trav­elled back to Cana­da and on what air­lines.
Health au­thor­i­ties in Trinidad and To­ba­go have so far test­ed 37 peo­ple but none of the re­sults was pos­i­tive for the virus.


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