Global Statistics

Trinidad & Tobago now at 9 confirmed COVID-19 cases

The Ministry of Health, Trinidad and Tobago, advises the population of two additional confirmed cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
One patient is a male and the other a female.
Both of the persons who have tested positive for COVID-19 have recent travel historie. The cases are unrelated.
Currently, in total, nine persons have tested positive for COVID-19 in Trinidad and Tobago.
Thus far, all positive COVID-19 cases in Trinidad and Tobago have been imported.
Members of the public are reminded that personal protective measures are the most effective tools against COVID-19. One of the ways that persons may avoid getting sick is by washing their hands:
after using the bathroom
before, during and after preparing food
after coughing or sneezing
when caring for persons who are sick
before eating
after handling animal waste
when hands are dirty
The Ministry will continue to provide accurate information to the public in a timely manner. The public is therefore urged to disregard and avoid sharing all unconfirmed, misleading and/or false information about COVID-19
(Trinidad Express)


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