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Trinidad: Cop commits suicide while on duty

Police are confirming the death by suicide of Police Constable Ryan Ameer Ramsaran, who was attached to the Inter-Agency Task Force, Operation Hope.
Ramsaran, 26, was on static patrol at an abandoned house in the Laventille district with another police officer and two members of the Trinidad and Tobago Regiment, around 9:05pm, on Thursday, when he reportedly shot himself in the head with his service pistol. He died at the scene.
Ramsaran had close to five years’ service with the TTPS and had been previously attached to the Eastern Division.
Acting Inspector Ricardo Matas of the IATF, who worked closely with PC Ramsaran, described him as a model police officer, who was extremely intelligent and very dedicated to his job. He says his passing has come as a great shock to his colleagues in the IATF and he will be greatly missed.


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