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Coronavirus patients spotted lying on floor at overrun Madrid hospital "Photos"

Chilling scenes have emerged from hospitals in Madrid, Spain, that have been overrun by coronavirus patients — showing some sprawled out over the floor.
The Severo Ochoa de Leganes Hospital has been particularly hard hit by the onslaught and collapsed under the pressure on Thursday, according to local media outlet Larazon.

One elderly patient with symptoms of the illness decided to leave the packed emergency room and head over to a bank to withdraw money so he could find room in a private facility, the news site reported.
Several patients have spent as many as three days sitting in the ER waiting room to await beds that only become available when those admitted either die or recover and are sent home.

There were more than 9,700 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the capital city as of the last tally.
On Sunday, Spain recorded close to 400 new fatalities, bringing the total to 1,720, suggesting that the national lockdown was failing to be effective.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said he would ask parliament to extend a 15-day state of emergency — which bars people from leaving their homes unless absolutely necessary — until April 11.
Meanwhile, patients also could be seen lying on the floor at the Infanta Leonor Hospital in Madrid, according to Newsflash.

Coronavirus patients await for a bed to be available.

Jorge Mora, a spokesman for the health-care union SATSE, said the hospital was “at maximum capacity,” with more than 500 patients admitted for COVID 19 — 300 confirmed cases and 230 under observation.


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