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St. Vincent jump from one to seven COVID-19 positive cases in just over 48 hours

In just over 48 hours, St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) has moved from one recorded case of COVID-19 to seven persons confirmed to have been infected with the respiratory virus.
All but one of the now six active cases, according to releases from the Ministry of Health, came into the country on March 25.
Four of these confirmed cases were announced just before 5 pm today, April 3, and they, all Vincentian nationals, are said to have travelled from Canada and the United States.
These persons, the authorities assure, have been in isolation since their samples were taken for testing, and are currently being monitored by health officials.
“The process of informing the patients and any possible earlier contacts has commenced,” the release states, continuing, “All additional public health measures will continue including the implementation of additional quarantine where necessary.”
These four positive tests emerged on the heels of a third case, which came to light this morning, after the result came in at 9:46 pm on the night of April 2.
This person is said to have travelled from Barbados on March 18.
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsavles indicated at a press conference this morning that this person went into voluntary quarantine when he arrived, even though, following the restrictions at the time, he was not obligated to do so.
After this individual developed symptoms on March 29, a test was taken from him on March 31, and the Vincentian national has been isolated since, the Ministry of Health said.
Issues have arisen with the second recorded case, which was announced just after midday on Wednesday, April 1.
This person is a female Vincentian national who travelled to SVG from the United States of America (USA) on March 25.
On March 28, a sample was taken from this patient, who was supposed to have been in mandatory quarantine at that time.
There is evidence however that this patient broke quarantine after her arrival here and came into contact with several persons.
The Prime Minister has informed that the health authorities have identified approximately 64 contacts, and “40 odd” have been contacted, and show no symptoms.
Further, one male person who has been in close contact with the individual has been put in quarantine at a facility which has not been named.
This spurt of cases comes weeks after the first case tested positive on March 11.
This Vincentian female had travelled from the United Kingdom on March 7, and reported mild symptoms to health personnel on March 10. She has since made a full recovery.
In all of their notices the Ministry of Health ask that the public “continue to practice the basic but highly effective public health measures of hand hygiene, cough etiquette, physical distancing and strict adherence to quarantine to keep us all safe from COVID-19.”


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