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North Carolina woman gets coronavirus despite staying home for three weeks

A North Carolina coronavirus patient said she was infected despite staying home for the three weeks leading up to her diagnosis last Thursday, a report said.
“This is the sickest I’ve ever been and it’s the most scared I’ve ever been,” Rachel Brummert told WCNC. “I’m absolutely terrified.”
Brummert, who suffers from an autoimmune disorder, told the outlet that she last left her Charlotte home for a trip to the pharmacy in mid-March.
Because of her underlying condition, Brummert, as a precautionary measure, had kept her distance from others, including her husband, who is living in a separate room.
On one occasion, a woman who has since tested positive for the illness dropped off groceries on Brummert’s doorstep, the report said.
While Brummert didn’t come into contact with the woman, she said she retrieved the bags of food from her porch without gloves.
“I really thought I was doing everything right,” Brummert said.
“I’ve never had anything like this before,” she said. “I’ve had the flu. This is not the flu. It’s a whole other monster.”


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