Global Statistics

Trinidad and Tobago now have 115 Confirmed COVID-19 cases

The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in this country stands at 115.
According to the Ministry of Health, in its latest COVID-19 Update, as of the night of Tuesday 21 April 2020, the number of deaths remains at eight persons.
The Ministry also reports that 28 COVID-19 survivors have been discharged from health facilities in Caura, Couva and Sangre Grande.
The following is the complete update from the Ministry…
As part of the national drive to safeguard the health of the Trinidad and Tobago population in the face of the global COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry of Health continues to provide up-to-date information on the country’s status in this regard.
As of the night of Tuesday April 21st, 2020, the Ministry reports the following:
1,424 = Number of samples submitted to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) for testing for COVID-19
115 = Number of samples which have tested positive
8 = Number of deaths
28 = Number of persons discharged
Of the total number of positive cases, 52 of these positive cases came from the group of nationals who recently returned from a cruise:
* 49 positive cases from the group of 68 nationals who returned from the cruise together;
* 3 positive cases from the group of nationals who returned from the same cruise separately from the other 68 nationals.
The Ministry of Health reminds the public that COVID-19 can be spread by touching surfaces that are contaminated with the novel coronavirus. It is important to regularly sanitise commonly touched surfaces (e.g. table-tops, handrails, doorknobs and trolleys). If dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to sanitisation. A simple solution of 1/3 cup of household bleach to one gallon of water is quite effective.
The important elements of sanitisation are disinfecting frequently and thoroughly and using the cleaning product correctly.
The public is also strongly advised to take the following personal hygiene measures to protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19:
* Wash your hands properly with soap and water
– Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if water and soap are not available
* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
– Dispose of tissue immediately after using
– Cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow if you do not have a tissue
* Avoid touching your face
* Stay home if you are ill
* Avoid close contact with people who have flu-like symptoms
* Practise social distancing
– No kissing, hugging or handshaking, and avoid unnecessary gatherings
– Maintain at least 2 metres (approximately 6 feet) distance between yourself and others, especially anyone who is coughing or showing signs of flu-like illness.
Additionally, all public transportation vehicles should operate with windows open and limit their occupancy by 50 percent.
The Ministry will continue to provide accurate information to the public in a timely fashion.
The public is therefore urged to disregard and avoid sharing all unconfirmed, misleading and/or false information about COVID-19 (formerly Novel Coronavirus).


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