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Substance capable of restoring alcoholics´ livers was found

Russian scientists have discovered a natural substance capable of restoring and protecting the liver of alcoholics, a scientific institution revealed today.

The natural substance comes from Siberian fir trees and has invaluable hepatoprotective properties, according to a study by Arbuzov Institute for Organic Chemistry at Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with experts from the InitiumPharm Company.

Experts said that it is about ‘terpenes, a wide class of secondary metabolites that work as a link in the synthesis of cholesterol, sex hormones, steroid hormones, enzymes, in other words, all elements for a healthy life.’

Russian scientists found that under the influence of terpenes, the biochemical parameters of blood are normalized, the severity of damage to liver cells and the mass coefficient of the liver decrease.

These terpenes do not have undesirable side effects and do not create a pharmacological load in the human body, said experts, who also stated that the terpenes can also protect the liver from any toxic effects due to eating disorders, chemotherapy, lengthy use of drugs or exposure to viruses.


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