Global Statistics

Cuba reports 6,673 COVID-19 cases, 64 deaths

Cuba reported today 6,673 new persons diagnosed with Covid-19, which brought the total confirmed with the pandemic since March last year to 854,167.

The national director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Durán, reported on this day the death of 64 patients due to complications associated with the infection, of them a maternal death, for a cumulative of 7,227.

Durán specified that 51,000 diagnostic tests were studied the day before throughout the national territory to detect the presence of the virus, a figure that rose to 9,375,290 since March 2020.

He added that 34 thousand 172 people remain admitted to health institutions with the active virus, of them 33 thousand 786 with stable clinical evolution, 270 in serious condition and 116 critical.

Regarding the diagnosis in people under 20 years of age, he reported 1,495 confirmed cases in the last 24 hours, of them 1,421 in pediatric ages, and regretted that despite the authorities’ call to extreme measures, high numbers of infections persist in that age group with a daily average of 1,697.

Seven thousand 757 hospital discharges were granted, for a cumulative 812 thousand 711 (99.1 percent) recovered from the disease, not exempt from sequelae, the expert said.

The province of Pinar del Río (west) reported the highest number of cases with 1,640, followed by Camagüey (center) with 840 and in the east of the country Las Tunas reported 670.

By reporting on the progress of the immunization process with the Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus vaccines (convalescent people) from the Finlay Vaccine Institute; and Abdala, from the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, pointed out that 19,991,460 doses have been administered.


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