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Trinidad woman found dead in a barrel of water

A 29-year-old woman from Morvant was found dead, submerged in a barrel of water with a gun in her hand, at her home on...

3,000 nurses dead, COVID exodus looming, says global federation

At least 3,000 nurses have been killed by COVID-19, the global nurses’ federation said Thursday as it warned of a looming exodus of health...

Trinidad: Wife hacked to death, husband dies by suicide

(Trinidad Express) A man chopped his wife to death and hanged himself at San Fernando on Tuesday night. It happened at a third-floor apartment at...

Missing 17-year-old Trinidad boy found dead

(Trinidad Express) The search for missing 17-year-old Christopher Cummings ended yesterday. Christopher’s body was found beneath galvanise roofing sheets in a clearing near his home...

Missing Trinidad girl found dead

(Trinidad Express) The search for missing 23-year-old Andrea Bharatt ended yesteday afternoon in the forests off Aripo Road, Sangre Grande. Confirmation came in a media...

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