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Dominican Republic

Top 10 Best All Inclusive Hotels & Resorts in Punta Cana Dominican Republic

Discover the ultimate in luxury and relaxation with our guide to the top 10 best all-inclusive hotels and resorts in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic....

Dominican Republic Cracks Down on Migration Amid Chaos in Haiti

(Bloomberg) -- The Dominican Republic is suspending student visas for Haitians and may review the immigration status of hundreds of thousands of foreigners as...

Panama, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic ask for U.S. help on migration

PANAMA CITY, (Reuters) – The presidents of Panama, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic yesterday asked for U.S. assistance in stemming the flow of...

African swine fever cases in Dominican Republic trigger regional warning

SANTO DOMINGO, (Reuters) – World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) called on countries to strengthen efforts to keep out African swine fever yesterday after...

PAHO favors shutting down several Dominican Republic territories

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) considered that, due to the current increase in Covid-19 cases in the Dominican Republic, the government must shut down...

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